The Life of Remote Work: Current Statistics in the World and Predictions for 2021

Quick chats at the coffee machine or water cooler are an essential aspect of office life that help employees to remain positive and motivated throughout the day. Employers need to prioritise replicating these informal interactions by promoting regular gatherings via video conference, and ensuring these are not just about work. Our findings showed that most people favour working from home, but employers have a long way to go in ensuring employee wellbeing, protecting company ethos and creating a workspace of the same standard seen in offices. In the global turmoil of recent months, working from home has changed from an option to an obligation.

Coworking spaces offer rental options for private meeting rooms, office space or workstations. The coworking space design provides a hub for productivity, innovation, and a sense of community. Employees also have more freedom and the advantage of innovative networking with people from different industries. This is possible for employees, managers, and freelancers alike and is a kind of interim solution between remote work and traditional full-time office work. The phrase “remote work” is synonymous with the concept of the home office. However, that is only one form of what remote work can look like once we are able to work without social distancing in place.

50% of the Workforce Will Be Remote… by 2020

Hiring remotely expands the candidate pool, allowing organisations to build teams of talented people not restricted by distance. Cultural diversity increases creativity and improves employee engagement. Thanks to digital tools and the rise of cloud-based communications, work is no longer somewhere we go, but something we do. Before 2020, only 11% of workers worked remotely full-time, while 21% did it part-time. Today, those numbers jumped dramatically as both people and companies realised just how much work they could get done away from the office.

An effective virtual team requires a lot of trust because there is an increased sense of uncertainty. Since you cannot see people physically, you cannot monitor them like you previously could when co-located. If you micromanage, you will be exhausted, your colleague will be annoyed, and everyone becomes less productive. Despite the rise of remote work in Finland and both employers and employees embracing it, some industries are still more likely to allow it than others. For instance, organisations in hospitality, construction, or transportation and communications may not allow such flexibility though the work itself would allow remote work at times. Understanding how technology can help is the first step towards better remote working.

What Does the Future Hold for Remote Work?

People with high levels of remote work record fewer sick days, and report being sick less frequently than those with office jobs. Naturally, 54% of IT professionals think that homeworking poses an increased security risk, so companies are advised to take proper measures to protect their digital assets in remote teams. This change in stigmatism is largely accredited to the hybrid movement, which has given more people the opportunity to enjoy regular remote work without feeling like the odd one out. Remote work has always been around, but until recently many people who worked remotely requested it as a special arrangement.

global remote work statistics 2020

It goes on to show how deep-rooted the effects of Covid-19 and remote work are. Whether we like it or not, we are facing a paradigm shift in work cultures across the world. Businesses all over the world are seeing the financial gains brought about by remote work, so it’s now estimated that 16% of the world’s companies are fully remote. According to Upwork’s forecasts, 22% of the working population in America will work remotely by 2025. Those working from home don’t get the 5-minute coffee chats scattered throughout the day, and they can frequently miss out on after-work drinks that happen on the spur of the moment. Working from home is good for people, but it’s also good for the planet.

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Remote employees also want security, sustainability of skills, work life blend and wellness, so businesses will need to step up to ensure they can keep remote employees stimulated. Ask employees what’s working for them and what’s not to better support them long term. For the most part, the benefits of remote working outweigh the negatives, so employers should be prepared for the increased demand for it. Companies should develop new training programs for managers and employees, so each role knows how to effectively engage and collaborate remotely.

Video games are unique because they are immersive experiences — they draw people into the game and make them momentarily forget what’s happening in the real world. So it’s no surprise that digital games have been found to aid post-work recovery. And one of the reasons is because it helps people to detach both physically and mentally from work. By this, I mean games where everyone is represented as an avatar in a virtual world, and video call is not required. ‘Zoom Fatigue’ has become a thing and is so taxing on our brain because video calls require greater attentional effort and make us feel more self-conscious.

Key Remote Work Statistics

As we mentioned above, these benefits include things like improving your mental health, boosting your productivity, and reducing unnecessary costs. Over the past 18 months, 81% of remote employees reported high engagement, followed by 72% of on-site employees. The trend of remote work is becoming increasingly popular, and it could be an important factor in retaining employees in the future. Hybrid working models, in which people spend some time in the office and some time working from home, are also catching up. Furthermore, a study conducted by Stanford University found that performance in remote work environments will increase by 13%. More calls per minute contribute to an efficient working environment and increased working minutes per shift due to fewer break days.

What percentage of the world is working remotely?

A 2019 survey by Buffer found that 84% of remote employees work from home, 8% go to coworking spaces, and just 4% go to cafes. In 2020, 70% of the world was working from home and 92% of people expected to work from home at least once per week. 82% of remote managers are concerned about reduced productivity.

However, travelling to work exclusively has been the most common working pattern since national restrictions were lifted, with 46% of workers doing this in late April and early May 2022. Occupations requiring higher qualifications and experience are more likely to provide homeworking opportunities than elementary and manual occupations. The first four major occupations all saw over half of their workers doing some amount of homeworking. Over two-thirds (69.6%) of the professional occupations did some work at home.

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